Politics on the screen

The Holocaust on the Screen: Visual Interpretations of Anne Frank’s Diary

Hello, everyone! You must know already how much I love sharing high-quality informative content, especially if it’s entertaining too. Last night, while I was reflecting on the creative winter ahead, I decided to watch some documentaries online. On my YouTube suggested videos there was some content on Anne Frank. It had been years since the last time I did any research on the Holocaust, so I thought it was about time to look into it from the angle of this young lady’s legacy.

Wikimedia Commons (expired)

So, I began with an animated story of Anne Frank, called “Anne Frank’s Diary – An Animated Featured Film”, which was awarded the Children’s Jury Award at the Chicago International Children’s Festival in 1998.

Then, I watched the very successful miniseries “The Diary of Anne Frank”, which was produced and broadcasted by BBC, in cooperation with France 2.

The last video I watched is a very interesting documentary. It is called “Who Betrayed Anne Frank” and was released in 2004 by Discovery Channel. The theme of this documentary is Carol Ann Lee’s quest for a conclusion on who might have betrayed the Frank family. She even wonders if the information about their “secret annex” had been known before they even hid there.


Looking into the Holocaust through the eyes of a teenager is bittersweet, maybe even charming. The question is, will the motto “never again” stay deeply rooted in the conscience of the next generations?

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